Appliance Repair: Keller Appliance 682-334-5797
Appliance Repair: In Home Appliance Repair 940-489-3333
Brick Repair: Brick Doctor 817-540-1800
Brick Repair - Mortar repair: Tom Romaneck 817-420-0640
Chimney Sweep: Chimney Doctor - Jim 817-431-3155
Chimney Sweep: Jeff Baldwin 817-791-4604
Electrical: JSR Electrical 817-527-7703
Fireplace (Gas) Repair: Texas Air Doctors 817-329-0334
Foundation Repair: B Square Foundation Repair - Chris 817-646-5655
Garage Door openers and repair: Stars and Stripes 817-246-9495
Garage Door openers and repair: Cowtown Door Company- Mike 817-237-3136
Gate Repair: DFW Gate Repair - Rob Smith 817-648-9019
Grill Repair/Refurb: My Grill Guy 940-648-2605
Gutters: A1 Aluminum 817-332-1001
HVAC: JAK Services 817-313-4985
HVAC: Texas Air Doctors 817-767-9783
Locksmith: Texas Re-Key 972-282-9696
Pest Control: Bob's Best Pest Control 817-379-6003
Pest Control: Gann's Pest and Termite Control 817-379-1056
Plumbing - Leak Detection: Hole in One - Oscar 972-429-2223
Plumbing: Bluebonnet Plumbing 817-431-2705
Roofing: Griffith Roofing - Robby 817-657-6819
Roofing: Quality Roofing- James Standon 817-832-3332
Tree Trimming: Save a Tree 817-703-4285
Window - Precision Windows 972-562-8828
Window Washing: Sparkling Windows - James Hyman 817-992-0880
Carpet Cleaning: Richard Heath 817-481-2665
Pool Installation: Klapprodt Pools 817-431-0335
Pool Services & Supply: Klapprodt Pools 817-431-0335
Pool Maintenance/Cleaning: Performance Pool Service - Lou 817-689-3865
Boxes: Best-Price Boxes 817-337-2699
Estate Sales: Rusty by Design 214-247-7304
Junk Hauler: Junk Dog 844-438-5364
Movers: Quiver-Full Movers 817-577-1550
Movers: Element Moving & Storage 972-805-0988
Packing: Milyn-Packing 972-985-0899, 972-978-8731
Mowing- clean up/make ready: Danny Espinosa 214-757-9696
Mulch: Danny Espinosa 214-757-9696
Sprinkler Installation - Repair: Moore Water Works 817-271-1467
Audio Visual: Matt McAlexander 817-308-4714 (text only)
Blinds: Gotcha Covered - James 214-636-9398
Concrete Work: Jesus Rodrigez 214-298-4126
Fence - Iron: Lambert's Ornamental Iron 817-577-3837
Fence - Wood: Hook & Ladder Fence214-205-0584, 817-944-8550
Fiberglass Repair: Renu Bath 817-306-0277
Flooring Installation - Carpet: QualTex - Royce Haltom 817-992-4586
Granite: Century Granite - Trevor Arts 817-329-9499, 817-401-7037
Gutters: A-1 Aluminum - Jean 817-332-1001, 972-816-2343
Handyman: Steve Marxer 817-846-0136
Handyman: Tom Romaneck 817-420-0640
Handyman: Handy Hadley www.handyhadley.com
New Appliances: Factory Builders 817-410-8868
Painting: Spectrum Painting - Wayne 817-235-7532
Painting: Carnival Painting 817-491-9330, Hunter cell/ 817-995-9353
Porcelain Refinishing: All Surface - Don or Damon 214-631-8719, 1-877-872-8877
Porcelain Refinishing: Chris Duty 940-395-1406
Retaining wall: Danny Young 817-300-8190
Remodeling: Johnny Clark 817-680-1430
Wall Covering Installation: Wall Pro - Patrick Donnell 817-490-6629 / 817-669-0329
Emergency Restoration: Serv Pro - Water and Fire 682-365-9500
Linda Devlin Emergency Restoration Sunshine Restoration - Water and Fire -Cory: 214-228-2029